It is now a number of years that we, as owners, have been Sub Community Presidents and in all of that time we have never been asked to vote on any aspect of the community apart from the election of a phase president. Another Sub Community President has also told us in five years he has never received any communications from his owners until recently. Other presidents have also clearly stated that they were appointed to the committee as no else volunteered and someone had to do it to make up the numbers although they would prefer not to be involved.
Some of the 9 out of 78 sub community presidents who make up the Committee believe that they are the only wise people who know best and accordingly the remaining 69 sub community presidents are never directly communicated too, never asked for their advice and opinions and never included in the voting process for the community.
This is probably fair enough on mundane matters however on new debtor’s policies, Resortalia retendering, lift contract and gardening contract renewals etc which are the direct responsibility of each sub community president, then this is uncalled for and should be challenged in the spirit of open and honest transparency.
However, any criticism of the "wise" 9 is just not acceptable
and even when a sub community president raises an owner’s issue affecting the
community, which they are fully entitled too either under the statutes or HPA,
then they are banned from communicating this any further amongst fellow owners.
In conclusion, not really a democratic open and transparent process.
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