Apology for late involvement, new family taking all my time and
only been fleetingly reviewing via Blackberry (never a good thing), plus
I would have preferred to do this on a private forum. A further small
request Luc, in future pse could you rather bcc all parties, as I have
now done, cc offers welcome opportunities for spam mailers.
However, with an obvious vested interest and with matters getting
rather heated, perhaps I could add my, hopefully sober thoughts to bring
everything into perceptive..well as I see it.
While I agree with what seems to be a majority feeling, the approach could have been a little
more diplomatic, the issues at stake remain the same and should not be
ignored. Luc/Chris, you know you have my support and I thank you for
taking the fight on your shoulders but perhaps a little more tact could
go further, although I fully understand your frustrations as the slow
progress and again, what we perceive to be, the digression of the HGRG
Also, although if my fleeting reviews of the emails are correct, to
me the threat of legal action is at this stage merely utilising the
same tactic that the Golf owners, etc are using, namely a tactical
threat to sell out, take action etc. Legal action and the financial
costs associated with such action, are perceived by any normal person
with major concern, hence the numerous emails attempting to remove
themselves from any such action.. Here again, my constructive criticism,
a private forum discussion would have dispelled any thoughts that you
were forcing us into major legal and financial implications. Also the
notice period of a few hours to such an emotive matter is barely enough
to read your email, let alone to consider and offer suggestions,
support etc. May I respectfully suggest, in future sufficient time be
granted before an email that should represent all of us, be sent.
An Owner
I have absolute sympathy for Committee members who in the
circumstances are doing their best for little recognition and in truth, a
voluntary position. But with all due respect, that is no excuse,
you took on the position so deal with the criticism. I am not being
harsh but people, have you every stopped to look at HRGR as you enter
from the highway...it's a citadel on it's own, it needs a full time
professional 'Mayor and town council'., not, albeit well meaning
and good people who are given up there retirement time to help the
community, volunteers. Very much appreciated but guys, we invested in a
'city', to run it properly, will cost a bit more by having
professionals but could solve so much. I have no doubt some of the
committee members, in their professional capacities could very well be
part of the council, who get paid and are held accountable to look after
our interest. However, to respond to criticism by banning an elected
person from discussions, I must respectfully remark, kinda proves my
I think I also read somewhere that Luci was being accused of trying
to hand the golf course to amateurs?...again, emotions have
understandably taken over and the emails have not been read correctly.
From what I understand, that isn't at all what is being said and in
truth I agree with Luci that equally, the HRGR Committee should not be
intimidated by bulling tactics of PW, Banks controlling sections of HGRG
As far as the workers compound (one of my three pet 'passions', together with gardens and the eroding back hill!
has got to a point which really needs to be addressed. I have read and
understand the Presidents seemly logical explanations but none of this
solves the fact, it is a major eye sore (I'm on the the 3rd floor, it
is what I look over and no amount of screening trees will block it's
ugliness or improve the value of my apartment) and a further fact you
cannot ignore, IT WAS NEVER IN THE ORIGINAL PLANS. However, from the
emails, it seems Luci has forced the issue and constructive meetings are
going to take place with STV or whatever the gardening contractors are
..oh yes, I have another pet 'passion'..the Pigeons?!! Thanks to
Luci, we don't have a major problem anymore but Jim, sorry mate, they
now house with you and when I enquired why a similar blocking off of the
ducts couldn't be done so to once and for all get rid of the health
problem being caused, I was told because you haven't requested it yet??!
Yeah, that's forward thinking.
I have no doubt all of us, especially the volunteers have only HRGR
at heart (I have absolutely no doubt about Chris/Luci motives) but we
would do so much more if we worked together, started accepting the
enormity of the job and maybe considered getting full time professionals
in. Yes it will cost a bit more but at the moment, costs are rising
all the time, so I can't see what we have to lose.
Have a peaceful Sunday.
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