Rubbish Compound

The state of the roads continue to fall into disrepair and can only get worse with the months ahead:

Click movie to see more: IMG_0403.MOV


Swimming pools
Following this years Chemicals scare, we are pleased at last that the PH levels are being taken and recorded for each swimming pool. We will continue to take independent PH readings as and when required.

Last months gardeners report stated "Many owners have taken the opportunity to comment & the feedback we have received, without exception, has all been positive.  Owners have told us: the resort looks fantastic, changes this year have been very positive,the grass looks really green and healthy, from the plants in the central reservation to the roundabouts the whole resort looks great and the resort just gets better and better every time we visit. Our gardens are fast becoming the envy of owners from other resorts & from the comments received this appears to be one of the most successful projects undertaken at HR. "

Well maybe someone should open their eyes and walk around the resort:

They cannot even get the grass to grow over the last 6 years!

Or even weed the paths!

Continued eyesores and accidents awaiting to happen:

Would you want your 3 year old child playing here?

New Phase President
Ian Graham, President of Romero 5, has been elected as the new Phase 7 President. This is what he said last time:

" When I was elected as Phase 7 President, it was not a role that I sought; Unfortunately, personal circumstances meant I was unable to devote the time to the role that I would have liked, and now that I have more time, I no longer have the inclination to continue having become frustrated by the way that the committee conducts its business." January 2013

When I became phase president, I did so not for any desire to take on the role but because no one else came forward.  Nevertheless, one of the things I had hoped could be achieved was that a single, common, means of communication could be implemented so that all owners on the resort received the same information, at the same time. To some extent that was progressed at the first meeting I attended when it was agreed that the forum would not be used as a means of general communication when Ron Locke offered to extend the circulation of his phase communications to all owners.  That was to be supplemented by president’s newsletters and the circulation of the points agreed at the phase presidents’ meetings.  Unfortunately, this has not been followed and it seems that additional communications are being sent to selected  parties." October 2012


Only 1,015 euros of the 2008 debt were collected in the first 9 months of 2014!
At this rate it will take the next 15 years just to clear the 2008 debt never mind the other 1.4 million euros of debts!

........And they think they are in control!

As we prepare to launch next months yearly owners survey, we are continually amazed at the lack of open and honest transparency and communications.

The "gloss over" views of the Committee continue to spill out as the "dog eat dog" culture of HRGR drives on.

As for the Resort President ""By now you will probably have heard that I have taken over as Resort President.  I never intended to ever do the role but have been persuaded to change my mind and have agreed to do it until the next AGM. This will provide continuity and allow time for someone else to be identified in time to take over at the next AGM." 

If the Committee is doing is dong such a great job, then why are there so many key problems across the resort. Where is the detailed case summary information of which 1.2 million debtors are in court and the stages of the court proceedings?
Where is the information of how many debtors are untraceable, the key issue as confirmed by the previous resort president?

If owners then question the Committee on these matters then they classed by the Committee as trouble makers and are then named and shamed amongst all the fellow owners.
And finally as the Committee represents all owners interests then they clearly need to be aware that fundamental issues will be raised as and when required. If the heat becomes to hot in the kitchen then they can always stand aside, as the issues, and owners with these issues, will not go away. 

The committee may change overtime however we will not be it 5, 10, 15 years or whatever we will still be around to show the true Hacienda Riquelme Culture and spirit.

Time to move on......

Time for change.....

Time for Action!