We are fast approaching the AGM's following the screw-ups of the EUCC EGM when the Sub Community Presidents were asked to vote on matters that they were never appointed for. Nevermind, we now have an AGM of the EUCC in March so that they can be formally appointed!
Madness or what?
And where are the official EGM minutes of the meeting and will they ever be published?
All the president and Committee had to do over the last 12 months was to focus on collecting the debts instead they have managed to triple the debtors to 1 MILLION EUROs over the last 2 years!
Madness or what?
EGM January 2014:
AGM proposals March 2014:
- The ever increasing level of debtors with insufficient reporting of summary case details and tracking. What was 350,000 euros of debtors 2 years ago is now 1 MILLION EUROS, a complete nightmare and still increasing.
- Over expenditure in the general community participation which is not shown in the sub community financial statements. Resortalia continue to send out meaningless financial information which is of no use to anyone.
- Potential changes to the statutes of the community without prior sub community approval. Continued drag and change of direction by the Committee without full explanations or information sharing. The proposed EUCC Statutes change is a clear example whereby the approved statutes have never been translated to all owners.
- Participation of all owners in the EUCC public areas and compliance with the EUCC Statutes. At least we have an AGM even though an EGM was held beforehand with SCPs that were never elected! Dont suppose the golf course will now start paying their community fees??????????
- Security of information and compliance with data protection regulations. None existent as usual
- Competitive tendering of all key contracts with service level agreements in place for performance monitoring. We now, so we are informed, have SLAs in the gardening contract although all owners have yet to see the SLA or even the contract!!!!!
- Appropriate realistic compensation and resolution to the building structure issues. We have an imposed settlement although PW have again not paid the first instalment. What a complete waste of time and clearly shows how out of their depth the Committee are. Still no repainting of the buildings 7 years after they were built!
- The water runoff issues to the sports area car park need to be resolved together with the removal of the floodlights. No progress yet again for another year!
- The
workers compound needs to relocated as per
the submitted Resort plans and replanted or screened off.
No progress yet again for another year!
- The chemical risks identified within the resort require immediate actioning. More material concerns highlighted with yet no further progress!
- The
eroding hills in front of the Sub Communities need to addressed ASAP
especially in light of the recent earthquake.
No progress yet again for another year!
- The sinking and cracking swimming pools. The cracks are still there and there is no money to fix the problems!
- The desert conditions in which the Resort is built needs to drive a sustainability plan on how we use less brought-in resources and assess alternatives such as LED lighting, solar energy and rain run-off capture. No progress yet again for another year!
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