Friday, 20 September 2013

18th Sept Committee meeting

We are reliably informed that both the resort president and vice president will be resigning very soon following the discovery of Nigel's Jan 2012 manifesto which was never cascaded to all owners. This is now cascaded following Hilary's announcements below:


Dear Owner, It is a real shame, it looks like at least 3 of the 7 will resign from the Committee due to constant flack on the HRGR Forum, e-mails and critisism, some who have been with the committee for many years.The HRGR Forum was originally set up for free discussion; it has become a place where a few angry and sometimes misinformed owners use to rant. Opinions and votes on the forum do not count, it is just a place to discuss issues with other owners before an owner can take action.

I have never got on the Forum because of its reputation either before or after becoming a president; it seemed like a very negative place to be.  

Hilary, Phase 7 President
19th Sept 2013

I have just read this statement on the Tomillo5 website. As owners I am letting you know that this is yet another untruth....... I am one of the people referred to above. I have announced my resignation to the owners I represent and, as far as I know, at the moment I am the only one who has resigned.  It is completely untrue that it had anything to do with the manifesto referred to. My reason is simple. The committee, and in particular Nigel and I, have been the subject of unreasonable demands, criticism, insults and inaccurate postings on the forum.  As well as this, we are being inundated with unreasonable demands and very unfair criticism, via a steady stream of emails from others with an agenda to cause as much trouble as they can.


20th Sept 2013

For those that think it is reasonable to make the recent and constant excessive demands on the committee, as well giving us unfair criticism based on untrue, or lack of, information let me tell you what we have to deal with when working on your behalf. The committee is mature enough to take reasonable criticism as feedback and take it onboard but things too often go too far.

It is probably time to let the moaners, not all who post on the forum, get on and sort things out and give us a break and the chance to enjoy what we thought we bought into.


4th July 2013

To all Phase Presidents, Hacienda Riquelme Golf Resort:  January 2012 Resort Presidency

It is, by now, common knowledge that I have put my name forward for consideration as the next Resort President. I am conscious that it may be seen that I have been in the background during the last year so I want to take some time to advise you of what I can and cannot bring to the presidency and my thinking for the forthcoming year. If this sits well with your thinking then I will welcome your support but if you believe that it is not right for the resort then I will perfectly well understand and make way for somebody else and give them my unreserved support.

To start with the positives: Rachel and I are totally committed to HR having placed the order for our apartment before the first sod had been turned. We plan to become permanent HR residents in November 2012 although the fact that my employer is still trying to retain my full time services and the health of aged parents may affect the timing.

We welcome the concept of adopting Spanish culture and would wish to integrate the various nationalities represented within HR into a semblance of “Spanishness”. We are not interested in being in a little bit of England in Spain and will do all we can to avoid anglicising our resort. I have already been in contact with some of the Spanish community in an effort to establish relationships for the future.

We bought in to the concept of a 5* complex and although, like so many, are deeply disappointed that PW did not deliver on their promises, intend to do our best to ensure that we improve the quality and standards of our resort so that the value of all our properties will increase and that those who need rental income will have first class facilities to sell.  

Professionally, I am a Chartered Management Accountant who works for a food logistics company as its Finance Director and Company Secretary. My remit includes Accountancy, Computer Services and Human Resources. In the past I spent three years as deputy chair of the governors of our local college of further education. I believe these skills and experiences will be very relevant to HR’s needs.      

There has been a lot of recent activity on the owners forum relating to costs and standards so I will lay out my position in relation to these:

Professionally, when it comes to debtor management, I could be described as a hard-liner.   I expect to have fully annotated debt lists on my desk by the 2nd of each month and my credit controller knows what to expect if she cannot answer any questions. I expect our resort administration to adopt the same standard and will be pressurising Resortalia to improve on their performance if they are to have any chance of being retained in to the future.

The policy on debtors has been clearly stated and was cascaded through the Phase and Block President on the 20th May 2011. It is tough but fair and I do not see any reason to change it.  

I understand that some owners may have temporary (or even not so temporary) difficulties in meeting their responsibilities to the community but the responsibility remains with the owner and any delay is simply not fair on the rest of the owners.

Despite examples of bank and Resortalia errors, most payments are made properly and most direct debit failures have one simple cause. Our procedures allow time for the correction of errors but, fundamentally, late payments will be liable to penalty charges.

Obtaining payment by direct debit is by far the most efficient and cost effective method of collecting community fees and I will not advocate any change.

I will not be a party to any breach of contracts. Michael and his negotiating team have performed minor miracles in managing to reduce contract costs on all our contracted services so I would intend that these should all be allowed to run through to their completion. It goes without saying that all the contractors will be performance monitored and any failings brought to the attention of the committee for discussion and, if necessary, action.      

In house services
There has been a lot of discussion regarding self administration and direct employment of services such as gardening and resort administration. My intention would be to use the time afforded by having the existing contracts in place to thoroughly research the cost effectiveness of taking specific services in house. I have no pre-conceived ideas as to the viability of these but intend to bring to the discussions whatever skills and experience we have within the resort. I would expect to prepare a paper on each service and present options and recommendations to the owners at the appropriate time.  

Resort Administration
I am not a great fan of Resortalia as there are aspects of their performance which are frustrating and, despite Michael’s constant efforts, still needs to be improved. That said, their quote for the next 12 months is competitive so, on the basis of better the devil you know, I would recommend retaining their services for the next 12 months. As stated in the previous paragraph, I would expect to be considering options well before the next renewal.  

One of our biggest quandaries is that PW has left us with a legacy of manicured lawns. To British eyes, these lawns look marvellous but, in Spain, they are an alien species. They are high maintenance and cost a fortune to irrigate.  If memory serves, the lawns were designed as a feature of the resort at the time when PW were intending to build a desalination plant which would have provided relatively cheap and plentiful irrigation water. Unfortunately, like so many PW promises, the desalination plant has failed to materialise so we have a legacy of thirsty lawns demanding increasingly expensive and scarce resource.         

The current committee has already prepared some groundwork with STV (the gardening contractor) with a view to replacing some of the lawned areas with less high maintenance plants and have quotes for some proposals. There appears to be scope for investment in other types of ground cover which would have varying pay-back periods. It would be my intent to have a gardens committee to study these proposals and make recommendations for any further action.

General facilities
I am not in favour of stripping amenities simply on the basis of cost cutting. That said I expect to review the cost effectiveness of each facility with the aim of ensuring we get proper value for money for them. During the last twelve months, we have identified examples of suspect costings which means that I intend to continue to verify numbers before making any hasty decisions.

The original constitution, which currently remains in place was prepared by PW and, understandably, was written to best suit them. What was best fit for PW is very likely not to be the best fit for our community and our constitution has been the subject of much adverse comment in the forums. Accordingly, Michael has been instrumental in setting up a review panel with the aim of presenting a revised constitution upon which we, the owners, can make an informed decision sometime in the near future. It would be my intention for this invaluable work to be completed.

Despite the part of the community’s rules that forbid any modification which affects the outside of an individual property, there are signs that some owners are modifying the exterior of their properties without obtaining the prior approval of the Planning Committee. It should be noted that the community’s management has the legal authority to demand that any unauthorised development be removed at the owner’s expense. The danger is that continuing unregulated modifications will ruin the look of the resort so the Planning Committee is vitally important to ensure that we retain the coherent look of our buildings. For the last two years, the Planning Committee, which is a volunteer but un-elected body, has done sterling work but has operated completely independently of the elected general committee which is a situation with which I am not entirely comfortable. Accordingly it would be my intent to give teeth to the Planning Committee by nominating one of the general committee to join it.      

Anti social behaviour
Anti social behaviour has reared its ugly head during the last twelve months and when it happens, it makes life thoroughly unpleasant for those caught up in it. Despite the risk of recriminations, I would have no hesitation in seeking to attempt to gain moderation on the part of offending parties as a community such as ours depends upon sound social inter-reaction between neighbours.

How will it all work?
So, that is my view of HR. So how am I going to achieve this when I am resident in the UK?
Well, it is going to be difficult but not insurmountable. Michael has done a huge amount of work during his tenure and has laid the foundations for a much more streamlined management and without this groundwork, proper remote Presidency would not be workable.
As it is, I have been fortunate in that colleagues on the committee, friends and neighbours have expressed support and a willingness to be my eyes and ears. With those talents in support, I have every confidence that we came overcome the disadvantage of my temporary UK residency. Amongst the offers of support, I am grateful to Michael Corke, Ron Locke, Antonio Escalera, Ann Dyos, Viv Church, Allan Pattemore, David Bamford, Manuel Gonzalez, Carole Eteson and Ena Glover.

It had been my intention to use the first months of my retirement to get to grips with learning Spanish and lowering my handicap. I still intend to succeed with the former but will have to put the latter on the back burner. In the meanwhile, I have been promised offers of help to overcome my linguistic shortcomings.

I am not of the social networking generation so do not use facebook or post on forums and neither do I tweet.
Because I am not resident, I would need the active support of the Phase and Block Presidents and part of this is including them in the communication process

I intend to cascade information through the Resort’s hierarchy which means that Block Presidents will be a fundamental part of the information flow. The HPA makes the first level of responsibility that of the Block President so it is my belief that there is a need to get them to buy in to the concept of being a part of that communication process.

This message is effectively a test of how that might work. I am sending this to the Phase Presidents with the request that they cascade it to their Block Presidents for onward transmission to their owners.

If this procedure does not work, then I fear that neither will my Presidency which, in turn, may require a rethink on how we move forward.

Many thanks for your patience in reading thus far.
Kindest regards,

Monday, 9 September 2013

Sept Status

Fantastic work a credit  to you so far!

We have never been involved in such a quagmire of "he said, she said" arguments that have got no closer and indeed will not get any closer to being solved to the benefit of either the offended sub communities, the HRGR main committee or indeed for the rest of the owners of the resort. Not until some fundamental key points are sorted out.

First and foremost we believe now that everyone agrees that phase 7 has been dealt an injustice which was put in place by Polaris initially and then added to by the HRGR committee at that time and subsequent committees
The present HRGR and others prior have tried what they thought was best for them and phase 7 but never really tackled the problem instead ,smoke screened the problem each time because as they thought "it was the best place to put the contractors" , and the easiest resolution. Now however the Resort committee  realise that they must listen to not just Sub presidents but owners as well because we are all or should be equals..
It goes without saying that every one involved realises that there must be a time scale to the accomplishment of our problem. It has been clearly set out in e mails from the points that have to be discussed and implemented. HOWEVER, no discussion or problem solving can be done between two warring factions. Something or one has to give in order that matters move forward. 
Away from the mud slinging there has been through private and other e mails thought provoking  problems concerning the whole resort and that of the golf course.Without communication from both sides the resort will suffer.  Compromise is necessary for the benefit of all. We have on phase 7 offered an agenda to move forward .The Resort president and committee will not communicate and have offered no terms for change other an remove the threat of court action . We are prepared to do that providing that we know we have the full attention of the resort Committee  and that they agree to a time scale of restitution .Total restitution .
Now that the PP7 has achieved so much in such a short time,surely now all sides will listen and work together to make our site a friendly place to be as the golf course is in so much trouble ,
In our blocks we have the whole of the 2nd and 3rd floors that can see directly onto the building site.The ground floor residents cannot see to the back but are still subjected to the noise filth and smells as are we all.
We personally hope that others on the committee will take this on board so that we can all get back to a more informed courteous HR Resort.
If not then the President and Committee have to change in order to represent all owners that have an equal voice and an equal right in what is right and wrong at HRGR. So far one PP has fell on their sword as they did not have the full backing of their phase SCPs. Now we have a PP who supports our actions and time will tell what the next outcomes will be
Status to be updated 18th Sept 2013

We now have written confirmation from a Committee member that the Workers Area is on Ayto de Murcia land which is not ´legal´use of this land.

The only thing you would have to do to move them is complain to the Ayto de Murcia and they would ask them to move.  No need for legal action.

Sunday, 1 September 2013


It now appears that if any of the HRGR owners or even elected Sub Community Presidents raise a viewpoint then they are classed as lunatics even when matters have been raised with the committee and community administrators and no response has been forthcoming.

Does really sum up the culture and lack of moderation by the powers that be!

Lake Water Analysis requested

Following IRM's direct email reply to the HRGR Association, we have requested further clarification and additional information concerning the water in the lakes. We have asked that they send to us detail documentation of the analysis of the lake water content samples which show the appropriate stamps and certification that verifies that they have appropriate approval within the law.

We have also requested to learn when the lakes will be refilled and the quality of water to be used in keeping with the environmental impact study dated 17 August 2005.

We also await a response from STV on these matters,a summary of the chemicals used in the resort as previously requested to the community administrators by our phase president and ourselves and confirmation of adherence to the Environmental Impact Study.

Finally, in case there is ongoing confusion on the proposed wall to the area known as the workers compound, then as this is local authority land then it will need their stamped formal authority. We will formally object shortly to the local council that this area, being used as a rubbish dump and workers area, does not have the necessary legal infrastructure or planning permission and should therefore be closed down.

We are available to meet in person with IRM if required to review this information and the proposed next steps.