Friday, 30 August 2013

IRM response

We acknowledge IRM's and the Committees recent statement::

To all owners:
Following recent environmental issues raised firstly by the committee and subsequently by a well-publicised small group of owners regarding the HR Golf Course and its chemical usage and storage, below is a statement from IRM, the Golf Course owners, in response to those claims.
For the sake of clarity, the state of the golf course and the lakes is not within the remit of your committee or Resortalia although, of course, we do maintain communications between IRM and ourselves on the basis that what is good for HR is also good for IRM and vice versa.  
Dear Sirs,
I am addressing you on behalf of INVERSIONES EN RESORTS MEDITERRÁNEOS, S.L, (IRM) corporation which owns the golf course situated in Hacienda Riquelme Golf Resort (HRGR), and in response to your request for information on the products used for the conservation and, in particular, about the reason why some fish have been found dead in the lakes as well as our compliance regarding the applicable environmental regulations.
In this regard and  all though we have already been in contact with  Resortalia, SLP in his capacity as the community management company  for HRGR owners to give appropriate explanations, we would like to inform you that the products used in the cleaning and maintenance of the golf course are plant strengtheners that are related to the nutritional family ,  thus resulting environmentally friendly, complying in any case all environmental requirements required by the current  legislation, and being handled and delivered with absolute diligence by the responsible personnel, observing precautions even greater than those that  are required by the safety data sheet of each product.
Therefore, we should exclude the cause of the appearance of dead fish in the lake due to poisoning or water contamination by these compounds. Moreover, as already indicated to Resortalia, SLP, this is because when the level of water falls as a result of field irrigation, some fish are caught on the area where the vegetation remains temporarily above the water level until the lake is refilled and die from lack of oxygen, and come to the surface once it reaches its original water level.
In any case, we assure you that IRM performs its activity with a strict compliance with the current environmental regulations, and complying as you already know with the Environmental Impact Statement of July 14, 2005 (DIA). Similarly, IRM, carries out and duly delivers each year to the General office of Environmental Quality, the Annual Environmental Statement that is requested both by the Article 2 of said DIA as by the Article 133 of the Law 4/2009, of Integrated Environmental Protection of the Region of Murcia and also undergoes every three years an Environmental Audit contained in Article 4 of the EIS.
Finally, indicate to you that we remain as usual at your disposal for any clarification or request for additional information concerning those products, their composition, safety data sheets and use, as well as our performance of the applicable environmental regulations.

The Committee of the Community of Owners of Hacienda Riquelme 

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