Certainly the HRGR resort is better than some and even worse than others. The current community fees pay for the security, gardening, pools and general upkeep of the resort based on an inherited transfer from PW. This would be all well and good however the general maintenance of the resort is now showing clear signs of huge potential costs for the future:
- Some roads are starting to sink
- No buildings have ever been repainted in the last 8 years and are showing signs of lack of upkeep
- The builders actions of fixes required is long and there is little money available to start even for the minor issues
- The recent quote for the fixes at 6 Million euros looks very low
- Irrigation of the gardens keep rising and rising
Owners communications are virtually non existent with good news only ever reported and spun.

A clear example is the debtors situation which was last updated in December 2013! Why no updates in the last 9 months ?????
And of course the resort presidents newsletters have disappeared!
Time and time again the Committee does not inform all owners, does not let owners participate on the key issues and the dog-eat-dog culture continues even with the recent sacking of the resort president with constant back stapping within the Committee.
Debts We are informed that the Resorts' debt situation has considerably worsened during 2014 and was one of the key reasons for Nigel's forced resignation. We have since 2008 called for Resortalia to be removed from the debt management process as they do not have the detailed knowledge, management structure, process or bandwidth to collect local debts nether mind international debts. It is therefore highly surprising that Resortalia were removed from these duties last month at the same time as Nigel's departure.
As we face 2 million euros of debts and rising we again stress the need for detailed debt information:
- How many owners and how much debt is untraceable and uncollectable as there is no contact or updated address details for the previous owners? This is a key reason as confirmed by the previous resort president.
- How many owners and how much of the debt is now in the court process?
- At what stage of the court process are the individual cases i.e. court letters issued, first hearing held, first hearing pending, judgement awarded, bailiffs engaged?
- What summary monthly update reporting is available if any?
As ever we believe times are a changing, for the best or for the worse, time will tell. Resort presidents and committees come and go with the same escalating problems arising. Unless a clear handle and open and honest communications and transparency arises then matters will just get worse and worse.