Friday, 5 December 2014

Hacienda Riquelme Owners 2014 December Resort Newsletter

Hacienda Riquelme Owners  2014 December Resort Newsletter               

Welcome to this months Hacienda Riquelme Resort-wide Owners newsletter.

We aim to continue to show the true state of affairs at the resort rather the ever positive gloss-over comments that come from the Committee.

This month we are asking for owners to participate in the fourth year of our owners survey:

Owners Survey

This years survey can be completed by clicking here

Results to date:
Thank you to all owners that have completed the survey to-date, the response rate has been overwhelming! The summary findings are:

Do you believe the Communities Fees that you pay are at the right level?

Q2: Are you willing to pay an extra 30% next year in increased Community Fees?

Q3: Should the Resortalia administration contract be retendered?

Q4: Do you believe the level of security is at the right level?

Q5: Should the buildings be cleaned ............

Q6: Should the Resort President be elected by..........

Q7: Should the 2015 budgets include provision for repainting of the resort buildings?

Q8: Should there be only One AGM for all owners next March to attend?

Q9: Should all material contracts include defined Service Levels of the service to be performed?

Q10: Do you believe the Committee are delivering services at the optimuim level and price?

Overall, the committee has a long way to go to meet owners expectations!

Time to move on......
Time for change.....
Time for Action!

Warm regards

HRGR Owners and Sub Community Presidents that care!



We always welcome comments and feedback, good or bad, from all owners, the committee or "committee member but personal views expressed only" .............

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Saturday, 8 November 2014

2014 HRGR Owners Survey

Now in its third year, this years survey can be completed by clicking HERE

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Hacienda Riquelme Owners 2014 November Resort Newsletter

Hacienda Riquelme Owners  2014 November Resort Newsletter                   

Welcome to this months Hacienda Riquelme Resort-wide Owners newsletter.

We aim to continue to show the true state of affairs at the resort rather the ever positive gloss-over comments that come from the Committee.

We start this month on what was the workers compound that we are now renaming as the Rubbish Dump

Please welcome all owners and holiday makers that spend their holidays looking out to these views:                                  

Rubbish Compound

The state of the roads continue to fall into disrepair and can only get worse with the months ahead:


Swimming pools
Following this years Chemicals scare, we are pleased at last that the PH levels are being taken and recorded for each swimming pool. We will continue to take independent PH readings as and when required.

Last months gardeners report stated "Many owners have taken the opportunity to comment & the feedback we have received, without exception, has all been positive.  Owners have told us: the resort looks fantastic, changes this year have been very positive,the grass looks really green and healthy, from the plants in the central reservation to the roundabouts the whole resort looks great and the resort just gets better and better every time we visit. Our gardens are fast becoming the envy of owners from other resorts & from the comments received this appears to be one of the most successful projects undertaken at HR. "

Well maybe someone should open their eyes and walk around the resort:

Continued eyesores and accidents awaiting to happen:

New Phase President
Ian Graham, President of Romero 5, has been elected as the new Phase 7 President. This is what he said last time:

" When I was elected as Phase 7 President, it was not a role that I sought; Unfortunately, personal circumstances meant I was unable to devote the time to the role that I would have liked, and now that I have more time, I no longer have the inclination to continue having become frustrated by the way that the committee conducts its business." January 2013

When I became phase president, I did so not for any desire to take on the role but because no one else came forward.  Nevertheless, one of the things I had hoped could be achieved was that a single, common, means of communication could be implemented so that all owners on the resort received the same information, at the same time. To some extent that was progressed at the first meeting I attended when it was agreed that the forum would not be used as a means of general communication when Ron Locke offered to extend the circulation of his phase communications to all owners.  That was to be supplemented by president’s newsletters and the circulation of the points agreed at the phase presidents’ meetings.  Unfortunately, this has not been followed and it seems that additional communications are being sent to selected  parties." October 2012


Only 1,015 euros of the 2008 debt were collected in the first 9 months of 2014!
At this rate it will take the next 15 years just to clear the 2008 debt never mind the other 1.4 million euros of debts!

........And they think they are in control!

As we prepare to launch next months yearly owners survey, we are continually amazed at the lack of open and honest transparency and communications.

The "gloss over" views of the Committee continue to spill out as the "dog eat dog" culture of HRGR drives on.

Time for change.................

Warm regards

HRGR Owners and Sub Community Presidents that care!



We always welcome comments and feedback, good or bad, from all owners, the committee or "committee member but personal views expressed only" .............

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Hacienda Riquelme 2014 October Resort Newsletter

Hacienda Riquelme Owners  2014 October Resort Newsletter                   

It is now ten months into the financial year and still no resort wide financial information have been released.
  • Where are the quarter one and half year financials?
  • Where are the first quarter, half year and 9 months debtors?
  • Shouldn't the Committee minutes clearly state the level of debtors?
  • The September Committee minutes clearly stated that the current resort debtors would be released to "all owners by the 22nd September" and never were! Shame on the Committee that they cannot even follow up and implement their own minuted actions.

Well lets help:

One really does wonder if the global financial crisis happened at HRGR in 2012 as opposed to 2008!

It is also no wonder Nigel moved on after his clear position of being "tough on debtors"!

For the financials we clearly recommended last year not to budget for the PW fees as this equates to over 10% of the resort's budget.

For 2015 as PW looks as if they will no longer exist then our Community fees will have to increase by their 10% budget plus another two 10%'s for the PW bad debt that will have to be booked to the resort accounts. Not a great picture!

On other matters:

Workers Compound
The workers compound saga continues to incur more dumped rubbish on a daily basis:

Shame on the Committee yet again for letting this to continue but as it is not in their back garden then why would they clearly bother!

It is also at last good to see owner surveys being introduced, what a great idea and about time. Whoever had the initial idea should be congratulated. One area to address is the clear need to raise ideas, suggestions or points of view for each question within the survey. Time will tell!

Polaris strips
Maybe the Committee should of thought about the changes before going ahead especially with this weeks heavy rains!



Enough rainwater fell last week within the resort to irrigate the whole resort for a whole year!
When oh when will the committee understand that rainwater run-off capture is FREE and saves 250,000 euros p.a. on buying water in.

There are clearly to be seen run-off rivers that suddenly appear and stay around for days on end. These could be easily channeled into 200 gallon containers within the empty PW garage car parking spaces.

At a rough estimate 10 meters of plastic guttering into a garage container would cost a lot less than the cost of water/cub/m

Finally after 6 years the dramatic announcement that we can save 23% in the purchase price of brought-in water when prices have increased by 15% over the same period.

Looks very likely that is had been another excessive rip-off and lack of expertise all around!

Time for change, Time for Action

Warm regards

HRGR Owners and Sub Community Presidents that care!


We always welcome comments and feedback, good or bad, from all owners, the committee or "committee member but personal views expressed only" .............